Penis Measurement the Right Way

If men today live in ancient times, they won’t worry too much about the length and length of their penis. Unlike the larger modern concepts always better, the ancient world saw big dicks as funny and strange — if all “perfect” statues of the Greek gods functioned as testaments. However, time has changed and so has men’s views on their genitals.

Today, most men in the entire world are so falsocentric that one small excavation or satire can quickly deflate their ego. Penis size is a very sensitive issue that companies that produce and sell penis enlargement products online such as are forced to have different names on credit card statements to protect their buyers.

“Big” issue

Regardless of what sexologists say about penis size not high on women’s lists of attractiveness, men still tend to believe that a person’s penis size is a measure of his masculinity and sexual strength. Research also shows that penis size plays a major role in most men’s self-esteem. Generally, men who think that they are well blessed feel that they are taller and more attractive than those who don’t. Similarly, those who believe that their virility is not on average often feel insecure and inadequate. Needless to say, penis size is really a big problem for men as erectile dysfunction.

The truth is that most men have unclear ideas about the actual size or dimensions of their penis. In fact, most men really consider themselves below average — that is, have a shorter penis size than what they consider to be average. For this reason, the biggest question men have about penis size is what is generally considered the “norm”. \ “

Average Penis Size

Fortunately for men, many clinical studies have tried to establish an average penis size. Because this study uses different methods and involves different subjects, the results also vary greatly. For example, academic studies published in the Journal of Urology in 1996 determined that the average penis size in an upright state was 5.08 inches (12.9 cm). Meanwhile, the International Journal of Impotence, which published a study in 2006, said that the average size was 5.35 inches or 13.6 centimeters. Other studies, such as those conducted by Lifestyle Condoms in 1991, say that the average length of the penis is 5.9 inches or 14.9 centimeters.

Perhaps one of the most popular studies dedicated to knowing average penis size is what famous sexologist Alfred C. Kinsey did in 1948. With 3,500 male subjects, Kinsey’s study concluded that the average penis size when erect is 6.21 inches long and 4.85 inches thick. The same study also concluded that the penis had an average length of 3.85 inches and a thickness of 3.75 inches when soft.

All of this research and research has led experts to conclude that the average size of the penis is between 5.5 and 6.5 inches long and 4.5 and 5.5 inches thick. However, it is interesting to note that while this study came to the same conclusion, their results varied to some extent. More often than not, inconsistencies in results are caused by inaccuracies in the measurements made by the subject. VigRX Plus Review